Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Boating Season is Coming to Lake Norman. Are you Ready?

I know it is still too cold for many of us to think about getting out on the lake and cruising the shoreline but Memorial Day will be here before you know it and we will all be ready to hop in our boats and head out on the water. However, before you pull to the boat launch or cast off from your private pier, now is a good time to think about preparing your boat for a summer of fun

Nothing can ruin a day on LKN like being stuck out in the middle of the lake with engine problems. Did you have your boat serviced last fall? Have you checked to make sure everything is in working order? What about an inspection of all the safety equipment? 

Yes, this is the stuff boredom is made of but it won't feel so boring if you have a great day out on the lake. And now is a great time of year to put just a little effort into maintaining your vessel. Boat mechanics are usually slower this time of year, so if you have been putting off maintenance or just didn't get around to it this fall, don't wait until boating season is here because you will be sitting on the shore wondering what a fun day out on the water would have been like!

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