Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Westport Golf Club on Lake Norman

A couple of years ago, a close friend of mine bought the then closed Westport Golf Club in Denver, NC. At the time, the club house was a mess and the fairways looked more like meadows. If you lived in the neighborhood, you were not a happy camper. The place was a real eye sore and certainly not something to help your property value.

Fast forward to 2008 and what a transformation. After a year of rebuilding nearly EVERYTHING and another year back in operation, Westport has surpassed it's former glory. The club house is practically brand new, the course is in great shape, and there are new homes going up next door. If you did not know better, you would think this was a completely different place, not the Westport of days gone by.

If you are into golf, looking for a good value, and a great experience, check out Westport today and tell them you heard about it on Lake Norman Local (they will have no idea what you are talking about but the look on their face will be priceless!).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Lake Norman Traffic - or is it just smoke on the water?

I work from home and because our neighborhood is still one of those well kept secrets of Lake Norman, traffic really doesn't impact my daily life. But on those rare occasions when I do have to leave the tranquillity of our lakeside oasis, I only need to drive to the end of my street to meet the harsh reality of suburban traffic.

Now, the communities of Huntersville, Cornelius, and Davidson are proposing some sort of organization that will lobby and keep the traffic issues we face on the forefront of those in Raleigh that dole out road improvement funds. Of course, to set up such an organization, will require funding and guess what, we residents will need to pay for that.

The intra-town committee that is proposing this new organization has also proposed seven (7) sources of funding and only one (1) of those sources doesn't include a fee from my pocket! All of this might make sense if we weren't dealing with a Highway Funding scheme in Raleigh that was developed to build roads to farmland in eastern North Carolina regardless of where the traffic was really based. So, by putting an organization together to represent the highway funding needs of our three lakeside towns might get us noticed but as long as Raleigh has legislated that only half of the funding set aside for road work in NC can be spent in the Western part of NC, road improvements here will not be made any faster and without more money from our pockets!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Lake Norman is almost at Full-pond!!!!

We are almost at full-pond (Lake Norman is almost full again) after a record drought. I’m in the market for a pontoon boat and maybe a couple of jet skis. Of course, the next question is where to store our new toys! We still don’t have a dock and with all the talk about a downturn in the economy, evidentially, that doesn’t apply to dock and dredge companies.

We attended the Mid-Atlantic Boat Show back in late February and actually asked two dock companies to call us for an appointment. Lancaster’s called and left a message. I called back right away and then called again and spoke to the guy but he never made an appointment and never called back as he had promised. The other company never bothered to call. I’m in sales and I would love to be in a position to be able to blow off prospects.

What’s funny about it is that the project we are looking to bid is not a typical, single family dock but a pretty in depth project that would surely be more than a run of the mill dock. Oh well, I guess that isn’t important.
So, I’m not sure if we buy a boat that we will have a place to put it! I guess we’ll enjoy full-pond LKN from the shore for now!