Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lake Norman Alert - Watch for Helicopters!

If you boat on the south end of Lake Norman, you may already know this but there is a fellow that lives at the end of Ramsey Creek and in addition to his boat dock he also has a helicopter "dock". On Labor Day, we were coming out of Ramsey Creek when we saw him approach for a landing.

Now, normally the only things we see flying around the lake are fowl but it was kind of sweet to see him swoop in. If you are familiar with this location, you know it is a tight entrance into Ramsey Creek from the main channel and with all of the onlookers (me included), it was a very busy spot. Still, if you do your boating in a safe way, everyone gets to see the sights!

I hope you had a good Labor Day on LKN, let us know what you did!

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