Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cornelius Parks and Rec - There is a lot here for a town the size of Cornelius

I could really say a lot about the Town of Cornelius and it's Parks & Rec Department but for this post, I'm going to let Dave Gilroy, one of our Town Commissioners do the talking:

Parks, Arts, Recreation, and Culture (PARC) update. As you know, we are investing in a world-class parks infrastructure in Cornelius. With the build-out of Westmoreland Athletic Complex and Robbins Park areas (now in progress), we will have 11 Town parks and 4 major County parks (Jetton, Ramsey Creek, Blythe Landing, and McDowell Creek Greenway) in Cornelius. Including undeveloped open space in our park land inventory, we have almost 500 acres of facilities online. Our organized athletics, recreational, and cultural programs are wide-ranging, highly ambitious, and perhaps under-appreciated. Citizen awareness of what's available is undoubtedly a major concern, so I urge you to actively explore our PARC website and take advantage! Finally, special thanks to 3 citizens - Ron Kelley, Del Arrendale, and John Freese who have stepped up to conduct a detailed "Performance Audit" of our PARC department to ensure that we are working as efficiently has possible, spending every dime of taxpayer dollars effectively, and having maximum community impact. They will formally report in the next few weeks, and I will further comment on their findings and conclusions.

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