Monday, July 27, 2009

Swimming at Ramsey Creek

Many moons ago, people would come to Lake Norman and swim. I'm not talking about the landed gentry with water front homes. No, the masses who were landless and boat less. They too could come and frolic in the soothing waters of LKN. Alas, as the "open" space on the lake filled with homes and our county parks decided that swimming was too risky to allow, places where you could legally get your feet wet have been shrinking or simply non-existent.

However, the Mecklenburg County Parks and Recreation department is considering a change of heart and proposing to the County Commissioners that swimming be allowed back at Ramsey Creek Park (Cornelius). I think that is a great idea and considering how many families are looking for a chance to enjoy our precious jewel, as well as save a few bucks on a costly beach vacation, this is an idea whose time has come.

Bravo Parks and Rec! Now commissioners, get on board and do the right thing!

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