Monday, January 18, 2010

Long Range Planning for the Town of Cornelius - Where does Lake Norman Fit?

The Town of Cornelius held it's annual planning session at the tony Peninsula Club. While from all accounts, it was a good session, there was a lot of "dreaming" going on. Not necessarily a bad thing but with so many other issues on the table, it does seem odd that so much time was allocated to a brainstorming session on how to make Cornelius a shopping and dining destination.

Hopefully, the pressing issues of schools, land development, taxes, and CMUD over billing on water rates will float to the top of the agenda (you like how I used a water reference to make a point on a blog devoted to LKN?). Certainly, long range planning needs to happen but let's put it in priority with the other issues facing the town.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lake Norman the Coolest Place in Town?

Who turned off the warm? It was below 20 dregrees this morning and won't be much warmer today or the rest of the week.

Oh well, I am guessing I will be posting about it being too warm in August!

Happy New Year LKN Locals!