Since I work from home, I don't tend to drive much. Last weekend, as
Hurricane Ike made landfall on the Texas coast, I didn't see the need to line up at the pump and fill up every container that would hold petrol.
Fast forward to this weekend and I needed to not only fill my cars but I also needed gas for my lawnmower, string trimmer, and leaf blower. I had to go to five (5) different stations just to find gas. Honestly, I was to the point of paying any price because I had to have fuel. The first three stations were dry, not even premium. Station number four would only sell me ten gallons. Finally number 5 had regular gas and was 10 cents cheaper than the 10 gallon limit place. I was on the edge! Not that I was about to run out of gas on the side of the road but the frustration in finding fuel was almost more than I could handle!
My friends will tell you I am a pretty mellow guy (remember, I said friends, my wife would say different :-) but this whole fuel thing is starting to get under my skin. I mean, the price of a barrel went up $25 today and closed at $130. But who cares, if I can't buy it, the price could be $300 a barrel.
Okay, now I've gotten this off my chest. So, if you are looking for a gas station and want to find the best price per gallon (off the lake of course) have a
gander at this link.
Have a great time wildcatting for fuel in these here parts!