Monday, September 29, 2008

What a Day on the Lake!

We spent the day out on Lake Norman yesterday. It was a beautiful fall day and since the major boating season is over, the water was very nice. We stopped off for lunch at an island around marker 8 on the main channel and it was really nice. We had the island to ourselves, the weather was great, and with smooth water, we didn't need to reposition the boat. 

In just a few short weeks, we will have the fun of cruising the lake and coves of LKN looking at the wonderful fall colors. This is really one of the best times to live and boat on the lake. See you around the lake!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Denver Days Festival this Weekend

Hey, don't forget to make it over to the west side of Lake Norman this weekend. The Denver Days Fall Festival is happening! Good food, good music, and lots of fun rides. Bring the family, some lawn chairs, and a good mood. You'll enjoy all of it!

See you there (after we come off LKN, of course ;-)

Lake Norman Lake Levels Are Holding Very Nicely!

I am trying to catch up on my postings (so far two today!). I'm also trying to catch up the various things going on around the lake. I took a quick look at the Lake Norman Lake Levels and we are only off the target level by 6 inches. It seems we are doing well. 

See you out on the lake this weekend!

Lake Norman Gas, PLEASE!!!

Since I work from home, I don't tend to drive much. Last weekend, as Hurricane Ike made landfall on the Texas coast, I didn't see the need to line up at the pump and fill up every container that would hold petrol. 

Fast forward to this weekend and I needed to not only fill my cars but I also needed gas for my lawnmower, string trimmer, and leaf blower. I had to go to five (5) different stations just to find gas. Honestly, I was to the point of paying any price because I had to have fuel. The first three stations were dry, not even premium. Station number four would only sell me ten gallons. Finally number 5 had regular gas and was 10 cents cheaper than the 10 gallon limit place. I was on the edge! Not that I was about to run out of gas on the side of the road but the frustration in finding fuel was almost more than I could handle! 

My friends will tell you I am a pretty mellow guy (remember, I said friends, my wife would say different :-) but this whole fuel thing is starting to get under my skin. I mean, the price of a barrel went up $25 today and closed at $130. But who cares, if I can't buy it, the price could be $300 a barrel. 

Okay, now I've gotten this off my chest. So, if you are looking for a gas station and want to find the best price per gallon (off the lake of course) have a gander at this link.

Have a great time wildcatting for fuel in these here parts! 

Monday, September 15, 2008

Wildlife on Lake Norman

I try to walk every morning. Mostly for the exercise but recently for the calm and quite of the day that allows me to meditate and prepare for what lies ahead. 

This morning my daughter was waiting for the bus (before 6am) and we saw a Great Horned Owl. I had heard it a few weeks ago. When I told my daughter, she just shrugged it off as her old man not having a clue (she is a teenager after all) and then today, when the owl came out of the trees by my neighbor's house, she was convinced her dad knew a thing or two. 

Of course, owls are just one of the many things we get to see around her. It still amazes me that we have so many forms of wildlife just out our back door but then you can leave out the front door and be in a world of traffic and shopping. It really is nice that the two worlds co-exist.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Extra, Extra, Read All of It (or most of it)!

Over the weekend, we added a few more things to our site. I am quickly feeling like the free account from Blogger isn't going to be big enough to hold everything we want to include but for now, it seems to work fine.

So what did we add? Cornelius weather, Lake Norman area town links, NASCAR picture of the day (what, you didn't think we could exclude NASCAR did you?), and finally, a little bit of information about me.

Over time, I hope to build out a one-stop site where you can find the latest information on our area. Any ideas? Please send them on over!

Lake Norman Alert - Watch for Helicopters!

If you boat on the south end of Lake Norman, you may already know this but there is a fellow that lives at the end of Ramsey Creek and in addition to his boat dock he also has a helicopter "dock". On Labor Day, we were coming out of Ramsey Creek when we saw him approach for a landing.

Now, normally the only things we see flying around the lake are fowl but it was kind of sweet to see him swoop in. If you are familiar with this location, you know it is a tight entrance into Ramsey Creek from the main channel and with all of the onlookers (me included), it was a very busy spot. Still, if you do your boating in a safe way, everyone gets to see the sights!

I hope you had a good Labor Day on LKN, let us know what you did!